Wednesday 5 November 2008


After looking at the results of the provisional recycling rates of the NJMWMS (Northampton Joint Municipal Waste Magement Strategy) , I could see that the recycling rates varied greatly in the different districts.

From the highest DDC (47%), to the lowest CBC (28%)... So why the difference?

DDC - although it has the highest recycling rates, at a staggering 47%. Since 2001 when this project started, it has only increased by 3%. Whereas,
CBC - has increased its recycling by an impressive 28% in that time.

If you look at the Main Collection Services offered to these areas:

DDC - has Residual Refuse only collected 2 weekly, but Recyclable weekly
This will encourage people in that district to recycle as much as possible, to get rid of as much 'rubbish' weekly.

CBC - have their Residual Refuse collected 2 weekly, but Recyclable is also only 2 weekly, and there is fewer recyclable items collected than DDC.

You only have to look at ENC to see the difference of the collection and the recycling rates make: ENC have only improved by 10.8% since 2001, but they are still having their black sacks collected every week, and the recycling in this area is so confusing with paper 1 week, cardboard etc. 2 weeks & glass every 4 weeks.

It is understandable to assume that nobody wants their 'rubbish' hanging around for that long, so it just gets 'slung' in with the refuse! Not to mention, having to pay for having your grass cuttings taken away.

If every district was offered the same services as DDC, the recycling rates would rise considerably. It is so much simpler & less time consuming for the average householder. Most people want to do 'their bit' for the environment and recycle, but it is remembering which week is for which collection ( that gets very confusing, trust me!), and then, generally people get bored with worrying about it.. Also putting the wrong rubbish out on the wrong week, (Easily done, I assure you!), and then it doesn't get collected, so they are left with bins full of recycling and household refuse!! Very frustrating!!

As a conclusion: the simpler the service is for the householder, the more they will be willing and happy to do it. After all, most people have busy lives.

Improvements to the scheme could include an incentive like a lucky draw. In Milton Keynes, there is a Cash for Trash incentive, where you can win 2 x £100 weekly.

Greenstar is investing million to build an automated recycling facility which can process co-mingled recyclables to high quality standards.
The less time recycling takes, the simpler it is...people will welcome it.

Maybe other small incentives such as bringing back the 'deposit & return' on bottles. Bribing people to get them to do something, is always easy. The Scottish government are seeking views on the return of this idea. In Denmark, the return rate for this scheme is around 85%.

I really don't agree with imposing fines & enforcement. I just feels like another threat from the government and another rule that must be obeyed by 'us'. (By 'us', I mean 'we' the people). it makes most of 'us' not want to do it.

The best way to get a child to do something you want them to do, is by rewards & praise, not punishment, and we are, after all, all 'kids at heart'.

1 comment:


Good blogging and good research.

Although I might be disagreeing a bit.

I am not convinced we can hide behind the fact that we are essentially grown up children who are incapable of doing something as simple as recycling.

It's not rocket science.

and whether you are busy or not it doesn't take long.

The time has come for authorities to stop pussy footing on this issue and start prosecuting people who don't recycle.